Blue Tongue Management - Artist Management

Blue Tongue Management

Blue Tongue Management is an Artist Business Management specialist recently signing French Psychedelic Metal Band Joe La Truite.

Established 1996, Blue Tongue Management delivers world class events and Artist Management with high level marketing and PR campaigns. We remain relevant in 2025 by nurturing and promoting youth artists and keeping up with technology and industry trends.

We have been very fortunate to have worked and toured with some amazingly successful original bands and incredible songwriters over the decades. And we have gained experience from every single project. We deliver our services with integrity.

Amongst the Rock Gods we have worked with, we deliver the new and the exciting. And Joe La Truite is the real deal. The bands fresh take on metal music infused with psychedelic, punk rock arteries is what we believe makes them unique. But take a listen and make your own decisions. Let the good Zguen flow.

What We Do

At this very moment we are preparing Joe La Truite for a new music launch to the world of hard rock, punk, psychedelic and metal music lovers on 1st March 2025.

We have succeeded in introducing Joe La Truite to some amazing new partners whom will be working with the band and who are as equally excited as we are about the music this trio deliver.

In France we have teamed up with the very exciting Metal music Public Relations company Sounds Like Hell Agency

From Austria we are working with Rola Music whom will be promoting the bands new music in Austria, Germany Switzerland and Denmark. Stay tuned for developments.

We also book corporate events for extremely talented Australian Aboriginal performers.

We are not currently accepting new demos and offer no new management opportunities at this time.

Joe La Truite

JLT Fishface


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Joe La Truite’s sound is impulsive and was born of a desire to send out ultra-efficient energy through Psychedelic Punk-Metal music.

The origin of the band’s name Joe La Truite is no more than a pretext to their song-writing that allows this trio total freedom in the direction and the mood of each song. Each track is highly diversified and reminiscent of some of the great progressive metal bands, yet stylistically unique.

Joe La Truite render song-lines based on characters who are not too tightly wrapped, of mind nor soul. A warrior brought back to life, a city planet, a nightclub with permanent entry, a missing super hero, a cult of evil children, cosmic vegetables, a trout on the brink of dying…. Friendships forged and tears shed. Stories lurking in those very streets of the band’s transception………………Somewhere near Marseille.

Joe La Truite - Bad Death City - Sneak Preview

Joe La Truite - Bad Death City - Teaser

Management and Media Contacts

Blue Tongue Management

All Business
Darrel Baird - 0422 973 184
email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joe La Truite Media Enquiries

French Media - SLH Agency
Attachée de presse - Anais Montigny
SLH Agency Click Here This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rest of World - Max Zguen Media
Public Relations - Max Zguen
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Blue Tongue Management acknowledge and all world cultures where ever they are.

In 2025 the human race should no longer be at war. Yet here we are.

So our message the war mungers and the raging keyboard warriors of the world is clear. Release your ego, stop the bombs and low life attacks and rock your neighbours with music and love.